
Skeptical Noise is a blog dedicated to the defense of Christianity, it's Scripture, teachings, history and lifestyle. The development of this blog grew from several points:

  • The field of study called Apologetics (the technical name for defending Christianity) has been a passion of mine since I became a Christ follower in 1984.
  • Discipleship (training Christ followers in a fruitful life in Him) has long been my passion.
  • Over the last 27 years I've learned that most Christ followers have never been properly schooled in their faith or the practice of it. My own experience is that for much of the last 27 years what I learned about following Christ I largely got on my own without the help of a local pastor, Sunday school teacher or church fellowship.
  • There are a lot of genuine seekers out there in the world who are skeptical of Christianity, Christ followers and churches for some very legitimate reasons. I want to help them by answering their questions and concerns.
  • There is a multitude of disingenuous haters out there with mostly wildly overrated claims of debunking Christianity, particularly the Bible.
  • Because so few Christ followers are able to defend what they believe and show others the truth of it, these disingenuous haters confuse, confound, enrage and often lead astray many believers and genuine skeptical seekers.
  • In 27 years of living this thing called the Christian life I have yet to find either a genuine skeptical seeker or a disingenuous hater with a new claim, argument or question. They tend to be as old as the Bible itself and older because we all know the words of the Bible were not written for many years after creation. Humans shared their story/history verbally until written languages were developed. The seekers and haters ideas may be tweaked a bit for modern times, however, at their core I find them the same old same old rehashed to mislead and misdirect.
At Skeptical Noise I will always strive to be respectful of seekers and haters alike. I will never be intentionally derogatory. I will never been profane or obscene in the content of this blog. I'll endeavor to present the arguments of skeptical seekers and disingenuous haters accurately, fairly and with balance. I expect you, my faithful readers, to keep me accountable to all these things.

I'm just a guy. A Christ follower who reads/studies his Bible. Prays. Attends worship and is active in the service to a local fellowship of believers. I have no seminar degree(s). I read/study voraciously and make decisions about what do believe based on that and the wise counsel of those I trust to know a thing or three about following Christ. That's all. Just a guy making his way through this journey called life and clinging to the answers he's found.

My hope is that with this blog I can show that Christianity is real and true and that it can be defended against the claims which would have us believe otherwise. Along the way I want to pass along the tools and information you need to study these things for yourself and know that they are solid and you can stand firm, sharing Christ with others.

I'm also open to your thoughts and ideas. Particularly if you believe I'm wrong on some point. I don't know everything. None of us do. And we're all learning and growing along the way. I've added one of the best commenting systems available and a contact form. Send me your questions, ideas and concerns. I'll do everything I can to address them.

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About the name Skeptical Noise:

I choice the name of this blog based on the definition of each word (see below). Taken together, the meaning of skeptical and noise (particularly definitions 2e and 4) seems to me to sum up a lot of the fuss made of the issues of Christianity, Christ followers and churches:

From Merriam-Webster's website:

Definition of SKEPTICAL

: relating to, characteristic of, or marked by skepticism <askeptical listener>
— skep·ti·cal·ly adverb

Examples of SKEPTICAL

  1. She's highly skeptical of the researchers' claims.
  2. He says he can win, but I remain skeptical.
  3. When I said I'd finished my homework early, Mom lookedskeptical.

First Known Use of SKEPTICAL


Definition of NOISE

: loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry
a : soundespecially : one that lacks agreeable musical quality or is noticeably unpleasantb : any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's hearing of somethingc : an unwanted signal or a disturbance (as static or a variation of voltage) in an electronic device or instrument (as radio or television); broadly : a disturbance interfering with the operation of a usually mechanical device or systemd : electromagnetic radiation (as light or radio waves) that is composed of several frequencies and that involves random changes in frequency or amplitudee : irrelevant or meaningless data or output occurring along with desired information
: common talk : rumorespecially : slander
: something that attracts attention <the play … will make little noise in the world — Brendan Gill>
: something spoken or uttered
: a style of rock music that is loud, often discordant, and usually uses electronic noise (as feedback)
— noise·less adjective
— noise·less·ly adverb

Examples of NOISE

  1. I couldn't hear him over all the noise.
  2. That's not music. To me it's a bunch of noise.
  3. The furnace makes a lot of noise when it comes on.
  4. We closed the windows to block out the traffic noise.
  5. The landlord has been getting complaints from the tenants about noise.
  6. There were noises coming from the basement.
  7. The sink was making a gurgling noise.
  8. Do you hear that rattling noise?
  9. The machine hardly makes any noise.
  10. The initial data included a lot of noise that had to be weeded out.

Origin of NOISE

Middle English, from Anglo-French, disturbance, noise, from Latin nausea nausea
First Known Use: 13th century

Related to NOISE